Archive for June, 2009

This is a great little exercise routine (inspired by Gary Gray)that involves multiple planes of motion, multi level lifts and doesnt take a lot of time.  So, if someone tells me they dont have time to exercise, I say Bull@#$&!  I have an answer!  The Matrix.  It only takes about a minute and a half!  And if they still say they dont have time, I tell them to just do it faster!  Or I know they really dont want to exercise.

THE MATRIX       Alternate reps for 6 for each movement in each plane.  Move as quickly as you can with full range, good form and control. Try doing multiple sets with 1-3 min rest between.

Shoulder to Overhead Series

DSCF0029        DSCF0030       DSCF0031

Waist to Shoulder Series

DSCF0032     DSCF0033     DSCF0034

Lunge and Reach Series –  Chest to Knee or Floor (if able)  Do sagittal then frontal then rotation   

 Start / Return Pos.    DSCF0036   DSCF0037  DSCF0038

Lunge and Reach Series 2 – Chest to Knee/Floor and Return to Overhead Position

Do sagittal then frontal then rotation

DSCF0035   DSCF0036    DSCF0037  DSCF0038  DSCF0039

Some variations are to use 2 diff size weights and/or do with one or both eyes closed

Have fun and enjoy!!!!

Get Strong! Stay Strong!



By Catherine Lewis, AHJ Editor — Published: June 25, 2009

If you are wondering why you cannot seem to get it together mentally as of late, the problem could lie within your diet. If you are eating a lot of fat in meats, pre-packaged foods and dairy products high in fat, you can be crowding out the DHA in your brain, thus impairing your cognitive abilities. Keep reading to find out which fats you should skip to avoid getting “dumber by the minute.”

You need to have a certain amount of fat in your diet. This is necessary for survival and to keep your body in good health. But there are good fats and bad fats when it comes to foods. You should be sure to concentrate on eating the good fats, which will actually help your brain rather than bad fats, which will hinder it.

The main culprits of fat that crowd out the DHA in your brain include foods that are high in trans fats or saturated fats. These fats are often found in red meat, some dairy products and packaged foods. Fast foods are also high in dangerous fats as are fried foods and processed foods. A diet high in fast food, for example, will not only clog your arteries and damage your physical health, but it can also cause cognitive impairment.

There is something that you can do about this menace, however. You do not have to sit idly by as the fat goes to your head, and it’s never too late to make a difference in your brain health. You can start to eliminate bad fats from your diet as well as supply your body with foods and supplements that are known to improve cognitive abilities.

One type of supplement that you can use to help improve cognitive abilities is Omega-3s. Omega-3 supplements are also often marketed under fish oil supplements. Omega-3s are found in fatty fish as well as in walnuts, beans, flaxseed and olive oil and have been proven to help improve your memory. In fact, recent studies performed in the United Kingdom concluded that students who took Omega-3 supplements prior to exams scored better than those who took a placebo.

Simple substitutions of fat can also help make you smarter. Many times, the fats that you eat are from the way you prepare your foods. Instead of cooking in oil, butter, or other saturated fats, you should switch to olive oil (which, again, contains Omega-3s). Substituting good fats for the bad will not only help your memory, but can also lower your cholesterol. Often, knowing the right foods to eat and cook with will be able to help you eliminate the fats that can cause your brain to feel sluggish and impair your memory.

While red meat is a form of protein and your body needs protein to survive, you can get it in other ways. Fish sources such as salmon or tuna, for example, are also high in protein and should be substituted for red meats. In fact, eating fish three times a week is recommended for those who want to have better memories as well as better health. Other excellent protein sources include almonds, lentils, quinoa, tempeh, and organic Greek yogurt. By limiting your intake of red meat you should start to see an improvement in cognitive function.

Eliminate packaged foods from your diet as they are often high in saturated and trans fat. Begin to eat real foods and include fruits and vegetables in your diet that are fresh, not out of cans. Foods such as broccoli, for example, are also known to improve memory function.

Do not let fat go to your head. Start eating a healthy diet of fish, vegetables, whole grains and real foods in order to improve your mental health. And don’t forget the supplements! Get your Omega-3s and B vitamins for improved cognitive abilities.
Get Strong! Stay Strong! (and stay smart)


By Bob Condor, AHJ Editor — Published: June 23, 2009More runners and exercisers these days are fighting off aches and pains non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that you might more readily recognize as ibuprofen. But that shortcut can have its adverse side effects, including stomach upset and even ulcers.

Cherry juice can save that fallout. A recent study from Oregon Health & Science University reports that runners drank tart cherry juice during long-distance run training experience significantly less pain after exercise than runners not adding cherry juice after a run. Those non-cherry juice drinkers consumed another fruit juice beverage. The study, presented at the annual American College of Sports Medicine Conference in Seattle, evaluated 60 adults 18 to 50 years old.

The volunteer subjects drank 10.5 ounces of tart cherry juice morning and evening for seven days prior to the long-distance running relay that formed part of the experiment. The cherry juice drinkers reported pain totals, on a scale of one to 10, that averaged a couple of points less than the other runners taking a different fruit beverage.

More research is needed, but the early indications are that tart cherry juice has a natural anti-inflammatory effect due to plant substances called anthocyanins and that actually give cherries their deep red pigment.

Other research suggests that cherries and anthocyanins could help protect against heart disease and arthritis. A second study at the same American College of Sports Medicine conference in Seattle pointed to evidence that tart cherry juice might help maintain muscle strength for individuals suffering from fibromyalgia, a chronic pain and fatigue disorder.

Get Strong! Stay Strong!



By Catherine Lewis, AHJ Editor — Published: June 18, 2009

If you want to live a longer, healthier life, you can start to do so immediately by eliminating certain foods from your diet. It’s really that easy! Foods that are high in hydrogenated oil, sugar and chemicals can significantly shorten your lifespan. They can lead to diseases such as heart disease, digestive disease and diabetes, just to name a few. You can extend your life simply by avoiding the following foods.

These are the three things that noted doctors and scientists have warned can shorten your lifespan.

1. Fast Food and Fried Foods

Fast foods are filled with preservatives, chemicals and hydrogenated fats. Even so-called “healthy” fast foods are a danger to your health because they contain preservatives, which aren’t found in “real” foods. In order for fast food restaurants to be profitable, they rely on purchases made in bulk quantity . . . this is where all those preservatives come in. Even if the foods are not fried in hydrogenated oils, they are still a health risk. Most of the so-called healthy foods that restaurants offer, such as deli sandwiches, contain processed meats and cheeses as well as chemicals to preserve them so that they stay fresh longer.  

Additionally, eating foods that are fried in hydrogenated oils will shorten your lifespan and are a leading cause of heart disease. These foods clog your arteries and raise bad cholesterol. Deep fried foods may taste good, sure, but are definitely not good for your health. In addition to heart disease, they are also linked with obesity and digestive problems. Take immediate steps to eliminate fried foods from your diet.

2. Sugars

Foods like cookies, cakes, candy and soft drinks are high in sugar and provide absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever. The only thing these foods are good for are to help you gain weight, and quite a bit of it too. They are hard on your digestive tract because it has to work extra-hard at breaking them down. They lead not only to obesity but also to diabetes, which will shorten your lifespan considerably.

3. Packaged Foods

Stay away from packaged foods, including canned foods, meal packages and frozen foods. All are high in chemicals, which is how they are able to have a long shelf life. Frozen foods, especially the diet foods, are high in sodium. Take a look at the ingredients on the boxes or cans and you will see a list of chemicals included in the foods. Do you really want to put these into your body? 

Start eating real foods and stay away from anything pre-packaged. This includes anything with preservatives. The chemicals that are put into some foods have been known to promote disease. Packaged foods are also usually high in calories and do not have the nutritional value of real foods.  

You can start living a longer and healthier life right away by eliminating these foods from your diet. They offer very little by way of nutrition and have an adverse effect on your health. Start eating plenty of fish, fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains for fiber and you will start to improve your health immediately. You will boost the health of your heart, digestive system, weight and even your brain power by eliminating hydrogenated oils, sugars and chemicals from your diet. 

Get Strong! Stay Strong! (and live long!)



By Sylvia Anderson, AHJ Editor — Published: June 11, 2009

You read and hear things everyday about how to live a longer, healthier life, such as “eating healthy” or “exercising.” But there are little-known facts that you can use to your advantage as well when improving your health and extending your life. Keep reading for 10 facts that you should know about when it comes to living a longer, healthier life. 

Did you know?

1.  You are most likely to have a heart attack on a Monday or just after you have been diagnosed with flu or some other respiratory ailments. You should learn the warning signs of a heart attack and also take steps to keep your heart healthy.

2.  If you suffer from allergies, you can alleviate the symptoms by rinsing your nose with salt water. This is easy to do and is better for you than taking over the counter medications to combat allergies that can cause drowsiness. 

3. Use the front door of your house instead of the door that leads into the kitchen. According to research, those who pass through the kitchen all of the time eat 15 percent more than those who use another entryway to the house.  

4.  Obesity is not only dangerous to your health, but expensive as well. You will pay more for clothing, plane seats and gasoline if you are obese. You can prevent future health problems due to obesity and save money at the same time by losing weight.  

5.  Smokers not only increase their risk for lung cancer and emphysema, but they also experience a poor night of sleep. They are usually not well rested in the morning because they experience withdrawal symptoms from the nicotine during the night.  

6.  If you eat fruits and vegetables, you can produce your own salicylic acid, which is the key ingredient in aspirin and other pain relievers. Eating fruits and vegetables can help with anti-inflammatory pain as well as headache pain and are healthy for your body. They also do not have the same negative side effects such as bleeding or liver disease, as do aspirin and other pain relievers. If you want to reduce inflammation and treat pain, eat fruits and vegetables on a daily basis, especially if you have a condition that causes chronic pain.  

7.  If you manage to take a 20 minute nap per day, you can boost your mood and also increase your productivity. Not only that, but your heart can actually benefit from this short nap. Studies indicate that men who took naps three times a week had less risk of a heart related death.  

8.  Want white teeth? Avoid chemicals and use baking soda. Baking soda can actually whiten the teeth. Some of the chemicals found in artificial tooth whiteners can be dangerous but baking soda is completely safe.  

9.  Clean your sink. There are more germs and bacteria in your kitchen sink than in your bathroom. Do not use a sponge. Rather, clean your sink with a cloth that you can wash in hot water.

10.  Lose weight with a food diary. Food dairies can make you more accountable to yourself when it comes to counting daily calories and can also help you discover how you are getting extra calories. Just make sure you are writing down every single thing you put in your mouth – including beverages. 

Get Strong! Stay Strong!





By Michael Rizk, CPT, ART  


Have you ever witnessed a relationship gone sour? The telltale signs are significant, but many  

times the root cause stems from poor communication. There is one particular area of the body  

that seems to get more press than a short‐lived Hollywood hook‐up. You’ve got it – the lumbar  

spine (LS) is likely the most injured, dysfunctional, and (supposedly) weakest link of the body.    

  In relation to the rest of the body, the LS is active in nearly every functional task performed … it  

resides at the crossroads of the body. For that reason, it is important for the rest of the body to  

communicate with the low back to let it know how important it is, how much it is needed, and  

how much it is appreciated for all it does.    

  What is meant by communication with the LS? Great question! Communication refers to the  

ability of all our joints to feed triplane motion to the LS creating triplane stability. A lack of  

triplane  mostability  (mobility  plus  stability)  can  shut  down  the  phone  lines  feeding  

proprioceptively rich information to the LS, thus creating undesirable chain reactions.  

  By design, the LS facilitates flexion and extension, allows lateral flexion, and almost inhibits  

transverse plane motion. The small amount of transverse plane motion may in fact be the most  

important motion allowing the LS to be the transverse plane transmitter of forces between the  

upper and lower extremities.   

  To simplify motion, we consider two phases: loading and unloading. Loading is the preparation  

of the task and unloading is the performance of the task. Using the golf swing as an example,  

the backswing is the load and the downswing / follow through is the unload. The moment of  

time between the load and unload is what we call the transformational zone (TZ). The TZ is  

where  motion  is  decelerated  and  transformed  into  a  concentric  production  of  force.  

Understanding what happens just as we enter and exit the TZ will allow us to effectively assess  

our patients and clients.  

  I  recently  assessed  a  57‐year‐young  right‐handed  golfer  with  right  low  back  pain,  which  

occurred during the end range of his back swing just prior to transition. His approach to me was  

simple, “So I heard you can fix my back.” With a humble smile, I explained how the body works  

relative  to  the  intended  task.  I  shared  with  him  how  a  lack  of  three‐dimensional  motion  

(communication) at any segment will become excessive compensatory motion elsewhere.    

 While his assessment started with a gait evaluation, I kept in mind that gait and golf create very  

different chain reactions in the TZ.  During gait, the pelvis and trunk move opposite each other,  

and in golf, they move in the same direction. However, I immediately noticed an inability to  

load the left side of his body during gait, which was evident by a rough transition from his right  

to left foot, as well as an early heel rise on the left foot. After viewing this global glitch, I had to  

become a biomechanical detective and get more specific.  

 To  further  assess  his  left  ankle  and  left  hip,  I  had  him  perform  a  three‐dimensional  balance  

reach  matrix.  He  lacked  balance  when  I  asked  him  to  reach  in  the  frontal  and  transverse  planes  

from  his  left  foot.  To  create  stability,  I  placed  him  in  the  TRUEStretch™  in  a  backswing  posture  

and had him perform his balance reaches from this golf‐specific position. Lo and behold, he said  

“Wow,  it  feels  like  my  ankle  doesn’t  want  to  turn  that  way!”  He  continued  to  say,  “I  wonder  if  

the left ankle sprain I had playing college basketball has anything to do with this?”    

Next,  I  positioned  him  in  his  backswing  posture  to  his  threshold  of  success  (meaning  prior  to  

experiencing  any  pain  or  compensation)  and  used  my  hands  as  a  driver  to  facilitate  frontal  and  

transverse  plane  subtalar  joint  (STJ)  motions.  To  balance  his  new  mobility  with  stability,  we  

performed  lateral  and  rotational  lunges  with  three‐dimensional  arm  drivers  specific  to  the  golf  

TZ.  This  strategy  facilitates  proprioceptive  communication  between  his  left  STJ  and  right  LS.  

Within  one  week,  my  client  was  enjoying  a  pain  free  backswing  with  added  yardage  and  accuracy.  Needless‐to

say, we were both happy. Even though my client came to me with low back pain, I am led to believe his lack of frontal and  

transverse  plane  motions  at  his  left  STJ  was,  at  least,  in  part  the  CAUSE  of  his  LS  dysfunction.  If  

we  take  a  snapshot  of  the  backswing,  we  can  see  the  following:  right  trunk  rotation,  right  hip  

internal rotation, left hip external rotation, right ankle inversion, and left ankle eversion. Frontal  

plane  eversion  of  the  left  STJ  transforms  into  rotation  of  the  left  limb;  therefore,  a  lack  of  that  

motion  must  be  made  up  somewhere  else  in  the  kinetic  chain.  With  the  nominal  amount  of  LS 

rotation available there, is not much room to compensate at the LS before dysfunction and pain are experienced.  

With  an  understanding  of  Applied  Functional  Science  (AFS)  and  chain  reaction  biomechanics  we  

can  effectively  and  efficiently  keep  the  LS  healthy  and  functional  with  improved communication.  

Oh how I love function!

Get Strong! Stay Strong!






















Never Workout Without Music!                           fun1

Did you ever pay attention to the soundtrack of your favorite TV show or movie? Did you every wonder why certain songs were playing at certain times? Music evokes emotion, and emotion can carry you through even the toughest of workouts. I’ve had workouts totally come apart when the battery died on my iPod Nano!

Several studies have been conducted to show the effect of music on workouts. One study showed that upbeat, hard-driving music can increase your strength and intensity, while another study revealed that music has been shown to increase pain tolerance during a workout.

Putting on a pair of headphones also helps you to block out all of the distractions that loom at the gym (as previously noted). Sometimes, just hearing the opening beat of some of the tunes on my iPod gets me revved up – especially since I workout first thing in the morning (more on this in future issues of the newsletter).

Some of my favorite tunes on my workout list include a variety of genres:

“Eye of the Tiger” – Survivor

“Welcome to the Jungle” – Guns ‘n Roses

“Beautiful Day” – U2

“Wake Up Call” – Maroon 5

“Enter Sandman” – Metallica

“Higher” – Creed
Make your own workout mix and get moving!

Never Workout Without a Heart Rate Monitor!

The best way to keep yourself honest in the gym is to wear a heart rate monitor. A heart rate monitor will let you know how hard you are working, and when you need to crank up the intensity of your workout. Whether weight training or interval training, it is the best indicator of how hard you are working and help you to figure out your optimal rest intervals.

For example, during interval training, you need to create an oxygen debt – that is, your body is asking your lungs for more oxygen than it can provide. How do you know this is happening? After you stop your hard effort, your heart rate should actually increase and you begin to pant in an effort to take in more oxygen – and that is your debt situation. Having the HRM makes it much easier to determine when you’ve reached this point.

I’ll go into the optimal ranges for your heart rate activity during exercise, calculating your maximum heart rate and other relevant information. For now, get a heart rate monitor, read the manual and take it for a test drive. You don’t need one with all of the bells and whistles (unless you’re into gadgets like me) – my favorite brand is Polar, and you can get great prices by searching the Web.

Stop Socializing at the Gym!

Every gym has one – I call him “the Mayor”. He’s the one who knows everyone and feels the need to come over and talk about just about anything. He’ll do his very uninspired set on one of the weight machines, often grunting loudly or distorting his face to get further attention, and when he finishes says “Whew!” loudly to no one in particular. The poor soul who acknowledges him will then be subjected to a 10-minute discussion on the economy, the presidential race, the stock market, or whatever strikes his fancy. He may even horse around with the personal trainers, who are now not watching their clients as they perform their sets.

You should avoid the Mayor at all costs – he will derail your fat loss efforts in an instant! In fact, you should avoid all interaction during your workout, with the exception of asking someone if they are using a particular weight or rack. If you’re following my advice above and working out to music, this is really easy to accomplish – just turn up your tunes and tune out the others.

Folks at my gym may think I’m anti-social because I don’t acknowledge anyone – heck I don’t even look at people – while I’m in the middle of my workout. Why? Because I only have a limited time to accomplish my goals for that day, and stopping even for a moment to chat takes away from the time I have. And if I don’t reach my goal for that day, I consider it a failure (more on that in future newsletters). To combat people’s perceptions, if you care about things like that, a simple smile or wave hello as you enter or leave the gym is enough to reassure them that you are not a recluse. But once you strap on your music, it’s “Go Time!”

Never Workout Without Consuming Protein Afterwards (and Sometimes Before)

I train first thing in the morning, so sometimes I drink a protein shake prior to heading to the gym, sometimes I don’t. There is a lot of debate over working out in a fasted state that I won’t get into here. Suffice it to say that consuming protein before your workout has been shown in research to increase muscle mass and decrease body fat, so it is a good idea to have a protein shake before a workout, especially if you’ll be working out later in the day.

You should always consume protein after a workout, preferably a protein shake made from whey protein isolate. I will go into much greater detail in subsequent newsletters about reliable brands, tasty recipes, etc. How much protein? Take your current body weight and divide by 5.5 – that is how many grams of protein should be in your post-workout shake. What about carbs? The conventional wisdom says that the number of grams of carbs in the post-workout shake should equal the number of grams of protein. BUT…what I have found through my research and practice is that post-workout shakes are more effective for fat loss if they are kept low in carbs. One of the aspects of protein consumption that will be covered later is exactly how many grams should be consumed in a day, and questions about safety concerns from ingesting large amounts of protein.

Stop Stretching Before Your Workout

Do you know how many people walk into the gym from the street and immediately start to stretch? Do you know how counter-productive this is?

First, there are two kinds of stretches – static and dynamic. An example of static is when you throw your leg up on a parallel bar or rack and bend at the waist until you feel a slight pull, then hold for a period of time. Static stretching before workouts is a very bad idea. Static stretching forces the muscle to relax, this making it weaker. When a muscle is weaker than its counterpart (for example if your hamstrings on the backs of your leg are weaker than your quadriceps in the front of your leg) it causes an imbalance that could lead to strains, tears and pulls.

Dynamic stretching is the way to go to get loose before your workout. Save your static stretching for any time other than before your workout.

Part 2 of the great article by Matt Lisk

Get Strong! Stay Strong! ( and for Gods sake take this advice!)


By Matt Lisk
Author of The Burrito Diet

Stop Using Weight Machines!

Weight machines are sexy, sleek, shiny, and smooth. Perhaps that is why gym owners and lazy personal trainers have fallen head over heels in love with them.

Gym owners pack their gyms with these eye catching devices so that they could get more people into their gyms without having a large amount of trainers on staff. Those gym goers who do utilize personal training services often get a highly paid escort who walks them from machine to machine and adjusts the setting for them. Do you know how to spot a good trainer? One who never takes their clients to the weight machines!

Without getting too biological on you, your muscles do not work in isolation – they work in a chain of movement. The most evil of machines, the leg extension machine, is a prime example – it is just not a natural movement. It has absolutely nothing to do with how our legs are used in everyday life – for walking, climbing, and descending.

Don’t get me wrong – machines do have their place in the fitness world. However, they are most beneficial to two populations – bodybuilders who are looking to correct a deficiency or weak point, and physical therapy patients who are trying to rebuild strength and regain range of motion. They are not meant for people looking to lose fat!

People looking to lose fat need to utilize free weights, body weight exercises, and various other equipment like medicine balls, resistance bands, and balance trainers – essentially training movements not specific muscles.

Stop Using the Handles on Cardio Machines!

It cracks me up every time I see someone who is using a treadmill and is holding on to the bar in front of them for dear life with a white-knuckled grip. Maybe you’ve seen the people who are draped all over the stairmaster or stepmill with their arms, and their heads facing down while their back is unnaturally curved. There are even those who hold on to the siderails on the stepmills or elliptical machines and push up with their arms (or my all time favorites are the people who contort their arms so that their wrists are facing forward!)

What do these people all have in common? They are wasting their time! Bars are meant for balance only – not as a crutch to use when the going gets tough during exercise. When you walk or run outside, do you have anything to hold on to? Unless you run while pushing a shopping cart (very odd!) or stroller (if you must), let go of the handles. You’ll expend more energy and use more muscle, thus getting a more efficient and effective workout.

I know what you’re thinking – “What about the elliptical machines with the handles that pump back and forth? Don’t I get more of a calorie burn from them?” In short, no. Pumping your arms back and forth without touching the handles will of be far more benefit to burning fat.

And don’t use the handgrips on any cardio machine to get your heart rate – they will not be accurate. Instead, read on and follow my advice below.

Stop Doing Hours and Hours of Cardio!

Read this next statement carefully, then re-read it:

You should never spend more than 20 minutes doing cardio

Want proof? Simply put a picture of a marathon runner next to a picture of an Olympic sprinter (preferably one who is not using steroids!). Now, which person’s build would you rather have?

If you’re doing long bouts of cardio (more than 30 minutes at a slow and steady pace) you are burning muscle – muscle that is extremely vital to your fat burning efforts. Your “cardio”, rather than slow and steady, should be short bursts of hard effort followed by recovery. I will go into this much more in depth in future newsletter articles, and may even have an expert or two explain in detail why training this way is much more efficient for fat loss. For now, take my word for it that SLOW AND STEADY DOES NOT WIN THE FAT LOSS RACE!

Stop Reading / Watching TV / Using Your Mobile Phone While In the Gym!

The gym is the one place where multi-tasking is an absolute no-no! Shut your mobile phone off (or better yet, leave it in the car – many facilities are starting to ban mobile phones because people tie up equipment while using them, or worse, take pictures). Leave the magazines and newspapers at home. You only have a limited time at the gym – you should be focused on achieving your daily goals. To keep myself honest, I’ll use a stopwatch to time my between-sets breaks. Eliminate all distractions and your fat loss efforts will improve dramatically!

Never Workout Without Recording Your Results as You Go!

Whether you use a good old fashioned paper and pencil, or a tricked-out PDA, keep track of your workouts EVERY TIME you go to the gym.

A well-respected fitness expert (who we will hopefully be able to speak to during one of the upcoming teleseminars) speaks of setting personal records (or PRs as he calls them). Every time in the gym, you should be focused on doing a little bit more than you did the last time – a Kaizen approach to fitness. Let’s say you did 3 sets of 5 chin-ups in your last workout – you should strive for 3 sets of 6 chin-ups next time out. If you fail, that’s ok – the quality of your workouts will be affected by many variables like nutrition, amount of sleep, outside stress, etc. Even if you did one set of 6 chin-ups followed by two more sets of 5, you’ve bested your personal record. And how would you know that? Because you were keeping track!

I have detailed workout journals that span years. Not only do I note the sets, reps, time, etc. but also any other notes that would have come into play (e.g., “gym crowded – forced me to substitute Exercise X for Exercise Y; poor sleep the night before; feeling nauseous). This helps you to put some context around your performance. Your solution does not need to be fancy – a notebook is fine, though there are software packages you can use. No matter what you choose, make sure you utilize it every time you work out!

Stay Tuned for Part 2

Get Strong! Stay Strong!
