Archive for the ‘nutrition’ Category

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Get Strong! Stay Strong!


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Get Strong! Stay Strong!


Another good post from my good friend and awesome trainer Adam Brush.
From an October 18, 2011 article appearing on the 1st sentence, regarding the ban of tobacco in MLB, read like this-

“U.S. senators and health officials are taking on a baseball tradition older than the World Series itself: chewing tobacco on the diamond.”

Even though this can be a heavily debated topic, I think it’s imperative to share not only some of the eye-opening, harmful side effects from chewing (smokeless) tobacco but also the health benefits of a much healthier & smarter alternative: sunflower seeds.


1. Tooth decay & gum disease

2. Oral cancer of the mouth, cheeks, lips, tongue & throat

3. Reduced sense of taste; leading to an excessive intake of salts & sugars

4. Lung cancer

5. Increased heart rate & blood pressure

6. Negatively affects performance


1. Sunflower seeds are high in the “good” unsaturated fat, making them a great heart healthy snack.

2. healthy source of dietary fiber.

3. sunflower seeds contain vitamin E, thiamin (B1), magnesium, ; plus a host of other nutrients

3. Contains sodium. Yes salt. Baseball players often find themselves playing in extreme hot, humid conditions and according to Ginny Erwin, Sports Dietician, the lack of sodium under such conditions can place the ball player at risk for developing a sodium imbalance leading to muscle cramps and poor performance.

Choose smart, eat healthy…and reach for the seeds.

Go hard in the yard – Adam Brush

Get Strong! Stay Strong!





Im jacked only 6 more days! Not that the program is all that bad, but I am “jonesing” for pizza and a good cup of coffee. Energy still is high and my body feels great.
Here is a simple and delicious recipe (credit to M. Saiia)I ate over the weekend.   I put some diced or shredded chicken in a pan w/ cut up potatoes, red and yellow peppers and added a container of Aldi’s southwestern salsa ( yes Aldi’s, it some of the best store bought salsa ive ever eaten).  Let it simmer and then chowed!  Tastey and very hearty!  Since im able to eat chicken now it made a great addition to the meal.

Todays workout:

Supersets (of course)          1 arm dumbbell squat to hi pull 8x L and R w/ Cable pull overs laying on incline bench x 12   (3 sets)

Floor Bench x 6 (see previous post on benefits for floor bench) w/ 2 kettlebell front squats x 8  (3 sets)

Close grip bench x 8 w/ barbell bicep curls x 10  (3 sets)

Fast and effective!      45 – 60  minutes and 447 calories.  Dont forget its the calories burned during recovery that is actually more impressive.

Get Strong! Stay Strong!






TGIF!  Able to add lean protein into the mix which will add some variety and expand my food choice, although I think I,m going to stick w/ beans and just a little chix and fish sparingly.  Luckily I’m one that can eat the same thing over and over.

Firdays consist of a 6:30am workout.  Today I superset :

Hang Clean for 8 w/ Pull ups for 10  (3 sets)

1 arm barbell deadlift using thick gripper 5x each side w/ Inverted shoulder press on total gym for 8-10  (3 sets)

Seated DB curls using grippers w/ Dips w/ knee tucks up/over bar x 12 (3 sets)

Finished w/ a few random ab exercises for good measure and to tone up the midsection that is lean from the purification!

As always followed workout w/ monster fruit smoothie w/ whey protein and cleanse powder.

I must say im pleasantly surprised at how good I feel and the energy I have despite NO caffeine!  Amazing.

Get Strong! Stay Strong!










On Monday I set forth on a 21 Day Purification Program!  I have never done one and have found a great program to use.  While i’m excited about all the health benefits and the the challenge itself, I will miss my caffeine!  As I progress through it I will keep you posted!  Stay tuned for updates and some great posts and exciting info coming this year!

Thanks for checking in!

Get Strong! Stay Strong!


Everyone enjoys the big Thanksgiving feast and many overindulge to point of practically going face down in their plate! I know ive been there  many times as Thanksgiving is my favorite meal.
Here are a few tips for damage control. So go ahead and feast guilt free!

1. Get a good work out in.  This not only mentally puts you at ease but also boosts the metabolism to burn more calories throughout the day.

2. Start your day with protein.  Helps to boosts metabolism and feed your muscles which are more metabolically active.

3. Drink luke warm water with your meal. This helps keep the digestive fires burning.  Cold drinks dampens digestion.

4. Stay hydrated.  This will help w/ digestion as well as keeping you regular.  Drinking a large glass of water just prior to meal can make you feel full and cut down on how much you eat, maybe!

5.  Take a spoonful of lemon juice before your meal.  This helps blunt the insulin response.

6.  Use a smaller plate and a larger fork.  Actually cuts down on how much you eat.

7.  Chew food thoroughly and take your time!  The turkey is dead and will not fly away! Ha

8. If unable to get full workout in that day, then just prior to eating do 60-90 sec of light exercise ie squats or lunges, wall push up, sit ups.  This activates muscle receptors so the calories consumed are shuttled to the muscles and not the fat cells.

9.  Snack on veggies.  Not only does this provide critical vitamins and minerals, but contains fiber that will help keep you regular.

10.  Take a brisk walk after eating.

11.  Relax and enjoy the day!

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Get Strong!  Stay Strong! (and eat hearty!)












I often talk to people that ask about nutrition. One of the first things they ask me is what do I eat and how much do I eat? They are often surprised when I tell them I eat 5-6 times per day. Many people especially those trying to lose weight have a hard time with this concept.  It is still common for people to think they need to severely calories, which is true but they often go overboard with this concept.  I will often explain that our bodies are built for survival based on DNA that is millions of years old.  That is why it is hard to lose weight and also to gain (build muscle).  I further explain that the body is smart.  If it believes you are not going to give it adequate calories/nutrition it will store (hold onto) the fat for its energy.  By eating enough calories throughout the day your body will recognize this and “release” the fat.  One of the main reasons eating multiple meals is important is that it regulates the insulin response which influences fat and protein metabolism and helps maintain energy levels evenly throughout the day.  By skipping meals you tend to be hungrier when you do eat and over eat which leads to that food coma feeling and fat accumulation.  Another important factor in eating regularly throughout the day is that if you do not “feed” your body appropriately then the body will take the needed nutrients from your bones, lean muscle mass and other tissues possibly contributing to osteoporosis and loss of lean muscle mass.  It doesn’t have to be over-whelming.  Three nutritious meals and 2-3 healthy snacks is it!  Of course eating the right type of foods like lean proteins, low glycemic carbs and “good” fats need to be coupled with a good exercise program for optimal health.

Get Strong! Stay Strong!


Actually, it is the one you consume right after your workout. After your work out your muscles are most sensitive to insulin.  Insulin is what causes your muscle to take up glucose from the blood storing it as glycogen.  Glycogen is the fuel that your muscles use.  So, consuming adequate carbs and protein after your workout allows you to recover faster which means your body is better prepared for the next workout.  I often discuss this with patients due to the fact they are working their buts off in therapy (at least in my world of sports physical therapy they do) so recovery is important and their body is trying to heal itself therefore adequate nutrition enhances this process, not to mention proper hydration which most people lack.  Even if you are not an athlete, recovering appropriately can mean a better day at work or playing with the kids later or the next day.  By consuming protein after a workout you can enhance glycogen replenishment by 30% and if you consume carbs with that you can double the insulin response which means more nutrients are able to be delivered back to the musles.  Generally speaking, you should consume a carb to protein ratio of about 2-3:1.  If you are doing longer duration endurance type exercise then a higher dose of carbs (4:1 ratio) is more appropriate.  Optimally this should be consumed within about 20 minutes after exercise but technically there is a two hour window post exercise.  Whey protein is the best choice because it is absorbed faster and the carbs should be simple sugar.  A cheap and easy mix is to purchase whey protein and mix it with generic kool-aide.  Mix and match your flavors to your taste preference.  Again generally speaking, a ratio of about 40 g carbs (sugar) and 15g protein would work.  Dosage can vary based on training intensity and goals, but that at least gives a geral framework and rationale s to why it is critical to get you post work out supplementation in.  So dont forget this critical piece to your rehab or training process!

Get Strong! Stay Strong!
