Posts Tagged ‘vitamins and minerals’


Osteoporosis is a condition in which normally

dense bone tissue has become less dense,

showing holes and spaces. This happens

when the build up of bone is not keeping up

with the breakdown, and the bone’s protein

structure and mineral content are lost.

Osteoporosis is estimated to affect more than

25 million people in the U.S. More than 1.3

million fractures annually are attributed to

osteoporosis. Contrary to popular wisdom,

lack of calcium is not the only cause of

osteoporosis. Additional factors contributing

to poor bone health include but are not

limited to: low estrogen levels, poor

absorption of vitamins / minerals and lower

secretion of calcitonin (the hormone that

prevents calcium from leaving bone) related

to aging, endocrine gland disorders involving

the thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands,

lack of physical activity and bed rest,

malnutrition and high acidity from typical

American diet, disease of the liver,

gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, smoking,

alcohol, caffeine and lastly pharmacological

drugs. While calcium is important other

vitamin and minerals are needed for proper

assimilation and absorption for optimal bone

health. These include protein, vitamin C, D

and K, magnesium, boron, zinc, copper

silicon, B6 and folic acid. Interestingly, bone

does not fracture due to

thinness alone; that is,

osteoporosis by itself does

not cause bone fractures.

We now know that

diminished self repair

abilities are also a significant

component. Dr. Melton of

the Mayo clinic notes,

“Osteoporosis alone may not be sufficient to

produce such (osteoporotic) fracture, since

many individuals remain fracture free even

with in the subgroups of lowest bone density.”

This is further substantiated by the fact that

older folks in many other cultures, ranging

from France and Germany to China and Japan

have lower bone densities than we do yet

suffer far fewer osteoporotic fractures. The

new osteoporosis fracture equation is as

follows: Thin Osteoporotic Bone + Poor Bone

Self Repair = Osteoporotic Fracture. Susan

Brown PhD and Director of the Osteoporosis

Education Project identifies seven key

intervention areas: maximize nutrients,

minimize antinutrients, build digestive

strength, develop an Alkaline Diet, appropriate

bone building exercise, promote endocrine

health and use alternatives to estrogen

therapy. Check out her book “Better Bones,

Better Body; Beyond Estrogen and Calcium.”

Get Strong! Stay Strong!
