Lower Extremity Functional Biomechanics and Anatomy Audio CD – Only 19.95 (plus $2 S+H)

Chris talks you through the biomechanics of the lower extremity joint by joint and plane by plane as it loads into the ground and then explains the function of each muscle in all 3 planes as they work to decelerate pronation and then accelerate supination.  Great foundation to begin understanding function and functional training and/or build on an existing knowledge base.  36 minute Audio CD.

Tweaking Tradition: Functional Modifications for Resistance Exercises.  Only 29.95 (plus $2 S+H)

Learn how to create “meaningful movement” in this must have manual filled with over 40 pages of pictures and description on how to  turn traditional isolated exercises into functional patterns and movements to enhance function and /or add new life to boring exercises.  Great for rehab and fitness professionals!  (Manual is on CD that can be read on computer or printed as hard copy)


Functional Exercise DVD  Only $34.95 (plus $2 S+H)


This DVD contains live demonstration and explanation.  Four sections include, dynamic warm ups and stretches, ladder drills (great for all ages for warm up, coordination and agility), band exercises and band stabilization.

Discover a whole new way to challenge and train your patients/client for enhanced function or fitness.  Great for anyone wanting to expand their skill set in functional training and rehab.


********Until Website complete, send check or money order to:   Chris Kolba

8080 N High St, Columbus, OH  43235

  1. dana says:

    Hey I would like to purchase the biomechanics of gait. Please get back to me on how to do that

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